Saturday, August 15, 2009

Listen To Him If You Want To Get Your Ex Back

Get Back Together With Your Ex Listen To Him

Kristi was devastated. She wanted to get back together with her ex boyfriend Thad. Thad used the I need some "space" line. Thad said that he still cared for her but didn’t want to date exclusively any more.

What should Kristi do to get back together with ex Thad? Should she call him and text him? Should she show up and flirt with his friends? Should she ignore him completely?

Actually, she should do none of these. Instead, she should listen to him.

He says that he loves her but that he needs space. While this may seem like a cliché, the truth is that many times when people use this line they mean what they say.

Sometimes a relationship just gets ahead of a person. They may not be ready for the responsibilities a relationship carries. But that doesn’t mean that they don’t love their ex. In fact, they may love him or her too much and want to take a step back.

Given that this is the case, let’s take a look at what disasterous things can happen if you handle the situation badly.

For instance, if Kristi were to endlessly pursue Thad with calls, emails and texts, she wouldn’t be giving him the space he needed to get his head on straight. Letters, gifts, and singing songs under his window late at night would have the same effect.

One of Kristi’s friends suggested that she start flirting with all of Thad’s friends to make him jealous in an attempt to get back together with ex. This is a common recommendation because it is assumed that men will want what other men have. The problem is that by playing games now, Kristi would be jeopardizing her relationship in the future. And, there is a strong likelihood that Thad would just be angry at Kristi and push her even further away.

Another option Kristi considered was just ignoring him altogether. In some ways, because she was so hurt by Thad’s rejection, she wanted to punish him in turn.

But, if she is open and receptive but not pushy when they meet each other in social situations that are not contrived, she shows him what a wonderful woman and wonderful human being she is. She becomes someone that he wants to spend time with. She has allowed him to see her at her best.

Kristi has a number of options if she wants to get back together with ex. But, her best option is simply to listen to Thad. He’s said he needs space. So, she should give it to him. She should let him have the opportunity to decide whether to get back together.

My guess is that Thad will come back to Kristi and he’ll be ready to take the relationship to the next level. If Kristi plays her cards right, she will have a stronger relationship overall.

That’s how to get ex back using one of the many proven relationship cures.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

How To Use Heartbroken Music To Fix A Broken Relationship

How To Use Heartbroken Music To Fix A Broken Relationship

Heartbroken music is the perfect songs after your relationship has broken up with the person that you love. You don't feel like listening to anything uptempo and happy. In fact, some happier songs can only make things worse because you're reminded of the good times you had together. You may even try your hand at writing heartbroken music after your break up.

Heartbroken music is an old relationship breakup tradition, reaching back to probably the day man discovered music and singing. And to the day he discovered broken hearts. If you're not comfortable trying to come up with an entire song or you have trouble rhyming, you can always write a poem instead.

You can even write your ex a long letter in which you express yourself, if you feel a poem or song is just too hard or too far removed from that they would actually expect of you. But if you can make up a song that truly expresses how you feel about your relationship then you should go for it.

If you've ever had someone write a poem or a song for you, you know how great it feels. So the idea that you would make up heartbroken songs might really move your ex to think about what's going on. They're sure to be touched in some say by the gesture, at least.

To write these songs, you only need to write poetry and then put it to music. You have to write the words, but you don't have to be able to write music. Just come up with a melody and sing the songs to that melody. If you can't come up with a melody of your own, then pick a melody from a favorite song and write new words for it.

Still, writing songs isn't for everyone. Fortunately there have been millions of them written for you already! You probably already have a few favorites that you like to listen to. Now they might have an entirely new meaning when you listen to them.

There's a good chance that your ex will find new meaning in them too, since your relationship break up. You could burn a CD of several sad songs about relationship break ups and send it to him or her with a letter. The thing that makes this so effective is that you'll very carefully choose the songs you include.

Just because a song is sad and about a relationship breakup doesn't mean it's a good idea to include it. Really listen to the words and the sentiment behind them. Then choose songs that especially fit your situation.

I can really be effective to choose a few sad songs about the relationship being strained or ending, and include a really uplifting love song among them. If you have a special song as a couple, including that as the last song on the CD can remind your ex of happier times.

Heartbroken music is there to help you heal, but if you use them correctly they may help you get back together with your ex and save your relationship.

This is one of many proven relationship cures that have been used to reunite many couples and help people just like you through bad times in thier relationship.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Save Your Marriage And Relationship 4 Tips

4 Tips To Help Save Your Marriage And Relationship

There are 4 good tips to help save your marriage. None of them are terribly difficult to do, and they’re all very inexpensive. They’re simple common sense proven relationship cures. Yet many people won’t try them, not even to save a marriage.

The first tip to save your marriage is to just stop arguing. Every time your partner says something that you want to get grumpy with or correct, just learn to let it go. By doing this you’re doing yourself and everyone around you a favor. When one person can learn to let things start rolling off thier back, the other one will follow suit.

To help save your marriage, you are probably going to have to be the one to learn to let things go. You never know, your partner might be working on the same skills at the same time. But no matter how badly both people want to save the marriage, usually only one person is working on trying to keep the peace.

If your partner thinks that shirt is blue when it’s really an odd green, just think in your head “it’s green!” but let it go. It comes down to deciding that you want help save your marriage and that’s more important than always being right about everything, or making sure your partner doesn’t make a mistake.

The next thing is to be dating again. Even if you’re not actually dating and going out together, you have to approach your relationship as if it’s new and you’ve just started dating. This isn’t always easy, especially if you’ve been in a relationship for a long time, but it’s necessary.

We all have a different perspective on our partners when the relationship is new. Everything‘s fresh and more exciting. After a while that freshness wears off and we start to get bored. Some call it routine and familiarity, but most people call it boring and predictable.

If you want to help save your marriage, then make sure it isn’t as boring and predictable as it has been. Surprise your partner with a special date night (and make sure you can reschedule, just in case they can’t go).

The third step to save your marriage is to love your partner in the way he or she wants to be loved. We all have things in our relationship that make us happiest. Some like to be told that they’re loved constantly .Others find small gestures like you offering your gloves to them on a cold day to be the greatest things ever.

Some might think that changing the oil on the car for them is a supreme act of love, while others just want to be told “I love you” so they can feel cherished. The point is, your hours of loving your partner will be twice as effective if you do the things that you know make them happy.

Finally, be physically affectionate. Love, marriage and your relationship aren’t all about sex, but it’s still important. If you want to help save your marriage, you’ll hug and kiss your partner many times throughout the day for no reason at all.

Try these 4 proven relationship cures you very well could save your marriage and relationship